Draw Twioos the Turtle Eco-Superhero Challenge
we will post and promote photos of your drawings.
Full description and instructions are in the text and sign up form below. Scroll down...
Whitney Nolan's art class at St. Francis School in Austin Texas (kindergarten through 2nd grade)
Want to spread the word or bring it with you on paper?
Download and print our 8h x 11 poster.
Or download a printable PDF of 4 on a page. (A hand flyer.)
Download and print the lesson plan. (Also written out below the sign up form.)
Can you draw Twioos the Turtle protecting us from plastic pollution?
For artists of all ages... Do you work with kids?
Lesson plan script below the sign up form. (Scroll down)
When the drawing is completed, take a photo of the artwork and submit it with the artists name and age. In the form below we will ask you to provide the best way to contact you when we post it at our website and/or on our social media pages so you can see it and help us share it.
Take a picture of your child's artwork and submit a .jpg to us. Be sure to also credit the artist by name and age either .on it or on a separate note.
Privacy for kids: If you are working with students and you have concerns about privacy here's the deal: These will just be pictures they draw not photos of them so it shouldn't be a problem, but you can get parental permission before we post the finished images on the internet if you feel it necessary. You can also simply omit a child's last name but still include them with the rest of your class. Your class drawings will all be together in our online gallery which we hope to promote together.
Who is Twioos the Turtle Eco superhero?
Twioos the Turtle grew up living in waters polluted by plastic, but unlike the other animals living there, Twioos miraculously discovered that he was immune to it and that he was incredibly strong and healthy. Additionally Twioos had super intelligence and was gifted with the ability for art and music. One day he decided to leave his home to travel the world and teach people about the dangers of plastic pollution and the solutions we have available to us.
Our suggested lesson plan script for kids is below the form.
We ask you to provide the information collected here because we need an easy way to collect your images and the info about who did them and also a way to reach you once we have posted your submission(s). We plan to post and promote these drawings one at a time whenever possible to give the artist as much exposure as possible. We ask that you share publicly our social media posts of your children's drawings to your own followers on social media for the greatest impact. We hope these images may inspire and influence both young and old towards sustainability.
Please fill out these questions to identify your organization. (You will not automatically be added to an email list)
Estimated for grades 1-3, to be adapted as needed according to student age
Copy and paste the text below or get the Printable PDF
Read to your kids
"Today I want to tell you about a problem that we can help to get better. We need to protect our environment because we are living creatures, just like dogs and cats, birds and fish, and even turtles. We also need clean air and water and food and a safe environment to live in and to be healthy. Humans are currently doing many things that are not good for our world. One of these things is that we make a lot of plastic and use it for many things. Some things we need plastic for, but many other times it is not necessary. Can you think of times when we use plastic but don’t need to, like using a throw away plastic cup, instead of a reusable one? Most plastic is made from oil and it never bio-degrades. That means that every piece of plastic ever created lasts forever and ever, and it is filling our oceans and even getting in our food. Who here wants to eat plastic? Yuk. It is not good for us to eat, and it is not good for animals to eat either. But they can't help it if it is floating in the ocean. We need to start using products that can be digested by the earth. When natural things like plants and animals and wood and paper are put into a dump (landfill) or compost, they turn back into soil, but not plastic! It just breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces- so tiny we cannot see them- but plastic never, ever goes away. And those tiny pieces of plastic are still bad for us, and for all animals and plants, and for the whole world. And now we have too much of it in the world and it is making the animals and people sick. We need to find ways to use less and keep our world and all the people and animals healthy.
Some ways we can use less plastic are bringing your own reusable cloth bag to the super market rather than taking a disposable plastic one at the checkout, or using your own metal or glass water bottle rather than plastic water bottles that you throw away when you are done. Also, saying “No thank you” to using plastic straws or plastic spoons and forks helps a lot. These small things all add up and show the world that we care.
The Plastic Free Challenge is an organization that teaches us how to create earth friendly habits and help the world by using less plastic. We can tell our families and friends about it on the computer. We can show them how to avoid the use of plastic whenever they can, and share their experience with family and friends. You can tell them how important it is to take care of the world. Your parents can take pictures of you and your family using your own cloth shopping bags, or your own water bottles, and share them on the computer so everyone can see how you care about the world.
You can also make art about our beautiful world and how we take care of it. These are some of the ways we can help make the animals and the whole world safe, and healthy, and happy.
Twioos the Turtle is a Super-Hero Turtle who wants to help us save the world. He spreads the word that people should not use as much plastic, and start using natural products instead. Our class is going to draw Twioos the Turtle. I wonder what he looks like?
What I'd like you to do is draw Twioos the Turtle however you see him in your imagination. Is he happy because he is doing something good to help us use less plastic? Maybe he has his own water bottle! Maybe he is swimming in a beautiful, clean ocean? Maybe he is sad because he ate some plastic and has a tummy ache? Who knows of other ways people can be more environmentally friendly?
Let's each draw a picture of Twioos doing something to protect the environment and then I will collect them and I'll take a picture of your art. Then we will put them on the computer for everyone to see. We’ll show your families and friends your drawings and learn more about how we can all help together to protect our planet.
Sound good?"