I like to buy bagels fresh and I buy them often, so why do I need a new bag every time? I bring one bag for sweet pastries and another for garlic and onion bagels. Mmmmm a bagel sounds good about now.

Even though while making a concerted effort to not use single-use plastics, this is what I accumulated as a single guy in just 2 days. Just think how much others who aren't trying to avoid using plastics use. This garbage will exist forever!

Recently I went to the Grassroots Festival's Big Splash Sustainability music festival and they had a goal of producing no landfill waste. This coffee vendor offered a deal where he sold a metal coffee mug that included free refills all weekend. Additionally, he used compostable plastic for his cold drinks and wooden spoons and stirrers. Compostable biodegradable products are easily available if you search for them. They may cost a bit more now, but the price will come down as demand increases, and it is cheaper to buy healthy products than pay doctor bills!

I buy deli meat a couple times a week and they always put it in plastic bags! Ugh! I was bothered by this and eventually asked them if there was any alternative and we came up with the idea of simply wrapping my meat in wax paper instead of plastic.
Additionally it should be known that reducing the amount of meat you buy, lowers your carbon foot print. But one issue at a time.

Recently I went into a fast food restaurant and they had strict rules concerning what they can and cannot serve on. They insisted that I could not put my plate down on their counter and I insisted that I wanted to be served on my own plate. We found a happy compromise as I held my plate in the air and they put my burger on it. Everybody's happy and no garbage!
(disclaimer: I realize that the raising of cattle and other animals for food has a huge impact on the environment and recommend reducing the consumption of meat for many reasons)

Not a solution but an illustration of the problem. Even when we choose to buy organic they wrap the food in plastic! That said, remember that you vote with every dollar you spend so try to buy locally sourced meats and produce if you can and usually you will have a better chance of it being packaged more sustainably or you can bring your own package.

Wouldn't be Merica' if you didn't have the ability to buy pre-cut veggies in non-biodegradable, petroleum-based packaging. Mmmmm, can you say "leaching chemicals" boys and girls?

The grocery store is trying to encourage good consumption behavior. Hopefully people can remember this every other time they encounter disposable napkins and plasticware...